Order process

Order process

  • Add the article to your basket.
  • Go to your basket and check its contents; if you are satisfied that it is correct, go on to the payment page.
  • Log in as an existing customer or fill in your details as a new customer or guest.
  • Choose a payment method and tick that you agree with our conditions.
  • Check your details. Is everything correct? In that case, place your definitive order.

As soon as you have placed the order you will be sent a confirmation email.
Every time the delivery status of your order changes you will be sent an update email.

We offer the following payment methods

  • Credit card
  • PayPal

Delivery times

Our aim is to deliver an order within one working day, so if you order before 4pm, your delivery should arrive the next day. Note: this does not include Sundays and Mondays. All deliveries should arrive within two working days.

Different delivery times

If a product has a different delivery time, this will be shown on the product page.


Royal Mail deliver package post from Tuesday through Saturday.
As soon as your package has been sent, you will receive a Track & Trace link that lets you follow its progress.

Postal charges

We charge the following postal charges:

Up to £ 50,- £ 4,95
 Above £ 50,-  Free

Track & Trace

We work with Royal Mail to deliver orders. Always make sure that you have given us the correct delivery address.

When we give your package to Royal Mail for delivery, we also send you an email containing a Track & Trace code that lets you follow its progress. If you cannot find this code, you can also log into your account (provided you have created one) or ask our customer service for this information.
